How to Earn Linden Dollars in Second Life.

How to Earn Linden Dollars in Second Life.

How to Earn Linden Dollars in Second Life

linden realms
The Linden Realms are a great way to earn linden while having fun exploring some beautiful fantasy sims.
gold hunt
The Gold Hunt game allows you to earn linden by searching for coins around the grid. It's a great way to explore the grid and take you to new places.
fish hunt
The Fish Hunt game allows you to earn linden by fishing at one of hundreds of locations across the grid. It's a great way to meet other players and compete. It's also really popular with players with disabilities as its very easy to play.
money trees
Money Trees are a great way for new players to earn linden by picking linden from trees around the grid. Older players aren't allowed to use Money Trees.
capital exchange
The Capital Exchange allows you to earn linden by investing and speculating on virtual companies in Second Life.
Sploders are quite popular as a way of earning small amounts of linden when out at a club or party. They are a good way to meet other players and get chatting.
Second Life is full of opportunities to earn Linden Dollars, but it is also important to have fun while earning. Some players make the mistake of thinking that they have to do something they don't enjoy to make money in Second Life. That's simply is not the case.
Sometimes it can feel overwhelmingly challenging to earn linden in Second Life, but with the right information to hand and some ample determination you can make money.



Get Paid a Weekly Stipend

Players who upgrade their account to be a Premium Account are paid a stipend to their account on a weekly basis.

Buy Linden on the Lindex

You can buy linden whenever you want on the LindeX exchange. However, there are billing and tradinglimits.

Earn Linden Playing Fun Games Gaming Network

The Gaming Network was a community created by SecondAds company with the goal of helping new players earn their first linden dollars. It's not just for new players though. Thousands of experienced players enjoy competing for leaderboard positions and earning large sums of linden in the process.
Gold Hunt
The Gold Hunt allows players to earn linden and win random gifts by hunting for coins and gems that are hidden by landowners. There are literally 1,000s of lands with coins available right across the grid, which can be discovered by using the player HUD.
Fish Hunt
The Fish Hunt allows players to earn Linden and win Random Gifts by fishing. There are literally 1,000s of lands with fish buoys available right across the grid, which can be discovered by using the player HUD. You'll also need to get a free beginner fishing rod too.
Farm Frenzy
Farm Frenzy gives land owners the opportunity to earn linden by farming worms for use in the Fish Hunt. It takes time to develop your Farming Experience, but eventually you'll be able to dominate the farming industry and sell your produce to the masses. Fortunes have been made in the farming industry!
Noob Hunt
The Noob Hunt is an affiliate recruitment scheme for the gaming network which allows players to become masters and recruit apprentices for the various games hosted on the network. In return they earn a percentage of each of their apprentices' winnings. You can also sell your apprentices to other masters on the exchange.

Linden Realms

The Linden Realms were created by Linden Lab and are designed with a beautiful environment that has trees, cliffs, and lots of fun places to explore. You can use a teleporter to visit different areas of the Linden Realms. Each place has different quests and other activities that are fun and exciting to do. There are rock monsters that you will have to run away from and pools of toxic water to avoid.


Bletaverse company have a number of ways of earning linden such as waiting at traffic cones and they also run a social network that players can get involved in.


The FreeLindenLottery gives away L$100 or more every day. You don't have to fill out any surveys or tedious questionnaires. Winning is as simple as typing in your username and checking back every day. So far, the lottery has given out over L$34,000!

Dragons & Princesses

The Dragons & Princesses is a cool game developed by Earn2Life company that allows you to earn linden by hunting for voids on different lands around Second Life.

Money Trees

Money Trees were created by Wolfhaven Productions and allow players to earn linden by plucking dollar bills and other game items from trees that are planted in sims all around the grid. There is a HUD you can wear to tell you where to find new trees. However, many trees are age-limited, so only very new players can use them.

Earn Linden Working a Job

A large proportion of players have some form of Second Life Job as a means to earn linden. This can be a rewarding way to earn linden and if you have the right ideas you can even become an entrepreneur and start your own business.


There are a wide range of Sploders such as the ever popular Chatsploder Network available in various clubs and other areas. These allow you to earn linden by waiting for the 'explosion' which may take quite some time. In the mean time you can chat and make new friends.


If you have some capital to invest you can simply invest in one of the many successful companies listed on theCapital Exchange and then earn dividends over time. You can either earn linden by making a long term investment, or you can speculate on daily market movements.
However, this is not for the faint of heart, as you can lose your investment as well as add to it if you make unwise decisions.

Sitting Chairs

There are a number of sitting chair devices that allow you to earn linden simply by camping on them. Unfortunately it's likely that you will earn a very small amount considering the time that you will be required to sit on them. Probably the least fun way to earn linden ever invented.

Completing Surveys, Surfing Sites & Web Offers

It is possible to earn linden by completing surveys, surfing websites or filling web offers. Unfortunately this can be very haphazard and you may not receive payment if you don't fit the demographic that the company is looking for.

External Articles & Sites

Please share your external sites and articles here with information on how to earn linden dollars in Second Life here:




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