If you don't want to get a job but do want acquire L$, you can use the LindeX currency exchange to exchange real (like US$) currency for Linden dollars (L$). This can make it a lot quicker to get (land, goods) what you want. Please notice that there are certain billing and trading limits.
I've (Torley) noticed this seems un-obvious to some newcomers, so I'm pointing it out for your benefit.
Start with our Knowledge Base's "Guide to Jobs in Second Life" and move on to these Resident-created guides:
- 2008-06-27 - "How To Make Money In Second Life Without Being An IP Maximalist" - By Rob Myers. Explores intriguing, lesser-discussed notions and talks about the flipside of control-freak product distribution.
- 2007-11-27 - "How to make money in the virtual world of second life" - By DoughRoller. Well-illustrated and neatly laid-out.
If the name John Chow excites you and you're interested in affiliate/referral programs, see:
- Gaming Network - Earn Linden Playing Fun Games - By SecondAds.
- Second Life Earn Linden Dollars - Affiliate Program - By TrajicK Chaplin.
- Kabalyero's Earn Linden Dollars - By Kabalyero Kidd.
- Chino Yray - By Chino Yalin.
There are also books about SL moneymaking on — read the reviews & previews and make an informed decision.
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